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Twitter tools

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Collection of twitter utilities.


pip install twitter-utils

Example Usage

All commands in twitter-utils work better with an authenticated user otherwise Twitter bombards you with crap. The following command is tested on MacOS and will create a symlink to your Firefox profile. Please replace the source path with your own.

ln -s "~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/.." $(pwd)/fireprofile

All commands take an argument to specify the output directory. Each tweet captured will be saved in the output directory to a file with the file name as the tweet id.

Grab tweets of an account between two dates

tweets-between --account <<account>> --since 2020-04-10 --until 2020-04-25 -o temp-dir

Grab tweets on a page

tweets-thread -a <<account>> -t <<tweet-id>> -o temp-dir

Using twarc to capture tweet data using Twitter API

You can use twarc to get tweets given a list of ids. Twarc uses Twitter API so you'll need those credentials. Twarc hydrate command that will grab tweet data given a list of ids.

# Depending on your output directory, here is a command to get the list of file name (tweet ids)
find <output-folder>/*.html | while read file; do basename $file ".html"; done > <target-file-with-list-of-tweet-ids>

# These feed this list of ids to twarc
twarc hydrate <target-file-with-list-of-tweet-ids> > <file-with-all-tweets-data>.jsonl

Selecting WebDriver

All commands in twitter-utils uses Firefox by default, but it can be overridden by providing an alternate browser. Supporting Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

To use Safari instead of Firefox, pass the --browser option before specifying the sub-command.

<cmd> --browser safari ...

And to use Chrome

<cmd> --browser chrome ...


  • Clone this repository
  • Requirements:
  • Python 3.7+
  • Poetry
  • Comby

  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies

poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell

Validating build

make build

Release process

A release is automatically published when a new version is bumped using make bump. See .github/workflows/build.yml for more details. Once the release is published, .github/workflows/publish.yml will automatically publish it to PyPI.