
A script to process a JSON file containing tweet data, extract tweet text and images, identify book titles using Ollama LLM and vision models, and find Goodreads links for the books.

Usage: python [–text-model TEXT_MODEL_NAME] [–vision-model VISION_MODEL_NAME]

import argparse
import json
import logging
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import httpx
import ollama
from googlesearch import search


SEARCH_TIME_LIMIT = 30  # seconds

Set up basic logging configuration.

def setup_logging():
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")

Read and parse the JSON file.

Args: file_path (str): Path to the JSON file.

Returns: List[Dict]: List of tweet data dictionaries.

def read_json_file(file_path: str) -> List[Dict]:
        with open(file_path, encoding="utf-8") as file:
            return json.load(file)
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        logging.error(f"Error decoding JSON from file: {file_path}")
    except OSError:
        logging.error(f"Error reading file: {file_path}")

Extract book titles from tweet text using Ollama LLM.

Args: tweet_text (str): The text of the tweet. model (str): The name of the Ollama model to use.

Returns: List[str]: A list of extracted book titles or [“No book titles found”] if none are detected.

def extract_book_titles_from_text(tweet_text: str, model: str) -> List[str] | None:
        prompt = f"""Extract and list all book titles mentioned in the following tweet.
If no book titles are found, respond with exactly 'No book titles found'.
Otherwise, only return the list of book titles, one per line.
Be sure to capture complete titles, even if they span multiple words:

        response =
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": prompt,
        content = response["message"]["content"].strip()

        if content == "No book titles found":
            return None

        book_titles = content.split("\n")
        return [title.strip() for title in book_titles if title.strip()]
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error in book title extraction from text: {str(e)}")
        return None

try: with httpx.Client() as client: response = client.get(image_url) response.raise_for_status() return response.content except httpx.RequestError as e: logging.error(f”Error downloading image from {image_url}: {str(e)}”) return b”“

def extract_book_titles_from_image(image_data: bytes, model: str) -> List[str] | None:

def download_image(image_url: str) -> bytes:
    Download an image from a URL.

        image_url (str): The URL of the image to download.

        bytes: The raw image data.
    Extract book titles from an image using a vision-capable Ollama model.

        image_data (bytes): The raw image data.
        model (str): The name of the vision-capable Ollama model to use.

        List[str]: A list of extracted book titles or ["No book titles found"] if none are detected.
Otherwise, only return the list of book titles, one per line."""

        response = ollama.generate(model, prompt, images=[image_data])
        content = response.strip()

        if content == "No book titles found":
            return None

        book_titles = content.split("\n")
        return [title.strip() for title in book_titles if title.strip()]
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error in book title extraction from image: {str(e)}")
        return None

try: prompt = “”“Analyze this image and list all book titles visible in it. If no book titles are found, respond with exactly ‘No book titles found’.

def process_image(image_url: str, vision_model: str):
    Process a single image URL to extract book titles.

        image_url (str): The URL of the image to process.
        vision_model (str): The name of the vision-capable Ollama model to use.
    Process a list of tweets to extract book titles from text and images.

        tweets (List[Dict]): A list of tweet data dictionaries.
        text_model (str): The name of the Ollama text model to use.
        vision_model (str): The name of the vision-capable Ollama model to use.

        List[str]: A list of all unique book titles found.
    Perform a Google search and return the top results.

        query (str): The search query.

        List[str]: A list of URLs from the search results.
    Extract the Goodreads link from a list of URLs.

        urls (List[str]): A list of URLs.

        str: The Goodreads link or an empty string if not found.
    Process the list of books and find Goodreads links for each.

        books (List[str]): A list of book titles.

        List[Tuple[str, str]]: A list of tuples containing book titles and their Goodreads links.
    Main function to orchestrate the tweet processing, book title extraction, and Goodreads link finding.

        file_path (str): Path to the JSON file containing tweet data.
        text_model (str): The name of the Ollama text model to use.
        vision_model (str): The name of the vision-capable Ollama model to use.


image_data = download_image(image_url) if image_data: image_titles = extract_book_titles_from_image(image_data, vision_model) if image_titles: print(f”Book Titles from Image: {‘, ‘.join(image_titles)}”) return image_titles return []

def process_tweets(tweets: List[Dict], text_model: str, vision_model: str) -> List[str]:


all_books = set() for tweet in tweets: tweet_text = tweet.get(“tweetText”, “”).strip() tweet_images = tweet.get(“tweetImages”, [])

if tweet_text:
    print(f"Tweet: {tweet_text}")
    # Extract book titles from text
    text_titles = extract_book_titles_from_text(tweet_text, text_model)
    if text_titles:
        print(f"📚 Books extracted fom Text: {', '.join(text_titles)}")
    else:"No books found in text")
elif tweet_images:
    image_titles = None
    if isinstance(tweet_images, list) and tweet_images:"Image URL: {tweet_images[0]}")
        image_titles = process_image(tweet_images[0], vision_model)
    elif isinstance(tweet_images, str) and tweet_images:"Image URL: {tweet_images}")
        image_titles = process_image(tweet_images, vision_model)

    if image_titles:
        print(f"🪩 Books extracted from Image: {', '.join(image_titles)}")
    print("No text or images in this tweet")

return list(all_books)

def google_search(query: str) -> List[str]:


try: return list(search(f”{query}”, num_results=NUM_SEARCH)) except Exception as e: logging.error(f”Error performing Google search: {str(e)}”) return []

def extract_goodreads_link(urls: List[str]) -> str:


for url in urls: if “” in url: return url return “”

def process_books_with_goodreads(books: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:


books_with_links = [] for book in books:”Searching for Goodreads link for: {book}”) search_results = google_search(book) goodreads_link = extract_goodreads_link(search_results) books_with_links.append((book, goodreads_link)) return books_with_links

def main(file_path: str, text_model: str, vision_model: str):


tweets = read_json_file(file_path) print(f”Total tweets loaded: {len(tweets)}”) print(“Processing the first 10 tweets for testing purposes…”) all_books = process_tweets(tweets, text_model, vision_model)

print(“\nAll Books Found:”) if all_books: books_with_links = process_books_with_goodreads(all_books) for i, (book, link) in enumerate(books_with_links, 1): if link: print(f”{i}. {book}: {link}”) else: print(f”{i}. {book}: No Goodreads link found”) else: print(“No books were found in any of the processed tweets.”)

if name == “main”: setup_logging() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=”Process tweets, extract book titles using Ollama LLM, and find Goodreads links.” ) parser.add_argument(“file_path”, help=”Path to the JSON file containing tweet data”) parser.add_argument(“–text-model”, default=”llama2”, help=”Name of the Ollama text model to use (default: llama2)”) parser.add_argument( “–vision-model”, default=”llava”, help=”Name of the vision-capable Ollama model to use (default: llava)” ) args = parser.parse_args()

main(args.file_path, args.text_model, args.vision_model)